Friday, November 03, 2006

Cheoptics360: the future of 3D video is here

Forget what you know about lenticular-based 3D displays, holograms, and even those "real" 3D image projectors being toyed around with in Japan. That 3D image you're looking at above was generated within the Cheotpics360, a four-sided transparent pyramid develop by a Danish team of engineers and designers from viZoo and Romboll. The Cheoptics360 can display both computer and film content when used either indoors or out and scale from 1.5-meters on up to 30-meters. The video images generated by the four projectors are re-assembled within the prism-like pyramid through a process of mirroring and reflection making them appear to float in mid-air. Hear that gamers, how 'bout setting this rig up at your next frag fest! Check the video after the break... you will believe.


Saurin said...

Wow...imagine watching a movie made with this technology!! it would be like watching it in real time. or better still...imagine watching a movie like king kong or jurassic park with dolby digital sound and cheoptics360 3D video!!!
Now that would be some experience!!!

Unknown said...

Very Innovative Blog!!! Expected from you..good job..Keep it up...

Nikhil Gulati said...

cool stuff!!